Mastering Modern Data Pipelines | Stackademic
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Mastering Modern Data Pipelines | Stackademic

Explore the stages of a modern data pipeline, the stages and their components.

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In In today’s data-driven world, organizations rely on well-designed data pipelines to extract actionable insights from raw data. A data pipeline forms the backbone of modern analytics and decision-making, automating the collection, processing and delivery of data from its source to its destination.

But how does a data pipeline work and what are its key stages?

Hello, my name is CyCoderX and today in this article we are going to break down the journey of data through a modern pipeline, detailing each step and the components that make it efficient.

Let’s go!

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The first step in any data pipeline is to collect raw data from its origin. This raw data serves as the basis for all downstream processes.


Collect raw data from a variety of sources, including sensors, applications, databases, and user interactions.


  • Data store: Centralized repositories like relational databases or NoSQL stores contain operational data.
  • Data flow: Real-time data streams from IoT devices, transactional systems or event logs.
  • Application data: Data collected directly from APIs, web services or application logs.


A diverse pool of raw data is ready to be ingested into the pipeline.

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