Day 4: Build a Real-Time Chat Application Using Node.js and WebSockets | by Dipak Ahirav | January 2025
1 min read

Day 4: Build a Real-Time Chat Application Using Node.js and WebSockets | by Dipak Ahirav | January 2025

Learn how to build a simple real-time chat application using Node.js and WebSocket technology — no framework required!


Welcome to Day 4 of our Node.js Daily Challenges series! Today we’re going to tackle something exciting and practical: building a real-time chat app. Real-time applications such as chat systems, live notifications or collaboration tools are powered by technologies such as WebSockets, which enable instant communication between a server and clients.

At the end of this tutorial, you will have a fully functional chat app, built from scratch using Node.js And WebSocket. Let’s get started!

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Your task: Build a real-time chat server that:

  1. Connects multiple clients to a Node.js server using WebSockets.
  2. Broadcasts messages from one client to all connected clients.
  3. Runs on your local computer and works seamlessly in real time.

1. Initialize your project

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