Encrypting REST payloads using Crypto-JS, with React.js and Vite.js | by Chad Adams | November 2024

Before we started, I was a little busy with work and Halloween with family; If you like articles like these, clap at the top, thanks! 👏 In today’s digital landscape, securing data is more critical than ever. When building web applications with React, ensuring that sensitive data is encrypted before sending it over the network…

Architecture: Asgardeo Android Core Auth Direct SDK for native app authentication | by Achintha Isuru

Asgardeo Android Core Auth Direct SDK Development Journey — Episode 3 Photo by Lance Anderson on Unsplash Hello everyone, I’m back to continue our development journey of the new Asgardeo Android Core Auth Direct SDK. To recap, in Episode 1 we performed our concurrent analysis of similar SDKs. In the next episode, we discussed learnings…

How to fix “Invariant Violation: TurboModuleRegistry.getEnforcing(…):

How to fix “Invariant Violation: TurboModuleRegistry.getEnforcing(…): “RNCWebView” was not found” error in React Native When working with React Native, especially when integrating additional libraries like React-native-signature-canvas, encountering errors can be frustrating. One of these errors is: Invariant Violation: TurboModuleRegistry.getEnforcing(…): 'RNCWebView' could not be found This error often occurs when the dependencies needed for a module…

Exploring Micro-Front-End Architecture in Flutter: Breaking Large Applications into Manageable Modules | by Sinnoor C | October 2024

Micro-front-end architecture involves dividing large applications into smaller parts that can be developed, tested, and maintained independently. This approach is ideal for complex projects because it allows teams to work on different features simultaneously without stepping on each other’s toes. This also means that different features can be updated and improved without risking the stability…